Monday, July 6, 2009

June 20th F.O.E. Diabetes Benefit Concert Day, and July 25th fundraiser event to come...

While God has allowed Jaden to be extended in his treatment… He still blessed us with a wonderful opportunity to help diabetics all over the world. Our F.O.E. AERIE & AUXILIARY 3423-JADEN WILLHITE DIABETES RESEARCH CENTER BENEFIT CONCERT held on June 20, 2009 may not have brought in as much funds as we had hoped & prayed for… but it did raise awareness of diabetes for our surrounding area here in Kentucky/Tennessee. Alpha Clinical Diabetes Research Center of Clarksville provided free diabetes screening, Red Cross helped hand out water & sunscreen, and the many wonderful faithful good Christian Eagles Members & band members provided a full 12 hours + of diligent work to put on a wonderful, glorifying concert. (Christian based radio stations: 98.7, 104.9, 106.5. Christian bands who performed: John Corbett “Movie Star”, Trey Hensley, Misti Long & Alonzo P., Zach Spencer band, Eden’s Crash, Tom Roady, Bobby Deyoe, Moore & Moore, Copper Road, Midnite blue, Lesley Elise, Casey Kelly, and Tyson Bowman. Wonderful Reporters from Newspapers: Rachel Vickery with The Eagle Post, Joe Parrino with The Fort Campbell Courier, Melissa Mollohan from The Kentuck New Era.)

Praise God for the chance to use Jaden’s illness for greater good and glory!!!

We (The F.O.E. 3423) are still accepting donations by way of the chip-in account located in prior blog entries below. Also, we are now moving into the fundraiser for the SEVENTH ANNUAL LEXI SABATINO POKER RUN IN HONOR OF LAUREN LACHANCE this July 25th at the Hopkinsville Convention Center. (2810 Richard Street, Hopkinsville, KY) Lauren is the 8 year old daughter of Steve and Tanya Lachance who has been diagnosed with McCunic-Albright Syndrome Folyostic Fibrous Dysphasia bond disease. Please contact me at: if you would like to donate time, funds, items for raffle, or make a $20 donation on the raffle for a 200- Harley Davidson Heritage Softtail classic. All profits go to the Lachance family. Many of you remember last year’s event, where Jaden was the recipient… what a blessing that love offering was to our family. The Eagles truly saved our family from bankrupts… as we are now over One Million dollars on Jaden’s Leukemia treatment. Eagles… you are truly like angels on Harleys!! (These were some of the sweetest Judges, Sheriffs, Doctors, Lawyers, Soldiers, and Christians of Hopkinsville that I have ever met!! God bless you!!!)

Love in Christ
Heather & Family

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