Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back at the Hosptial

Hello... we went for the Doctors appointment this morning. Jaden seemed to go down hill fast! By mid-morning we were on our way back to Vanderbilt. They think he may be septic, and are checking for a bacteria problem in his intestines. Jaden got some Rosephine (Spelling?), and a few other meds to help him feel better. Probably the best thing for him was the IV... he needs the fluids!

Thank you again for your prayers, and we hope to get a chance to call and speak with so many friends and family in the next week. We sure miss you all!!!

Also, please pray for Jennifer's little boy Matthew... as he fell 20 feet out of a tree and spent some time here at Vanderbilt this week as well. OUCH!! We are praying for you Matt!! :)

In case anyone needs to know, we are in room 6413 this time... 6th floor again. LOL! They love us here...LOL! :)

Jaden is still our little trooper!! And also; a great big THANK YOU to our Young Eagle Clinic nurses, and Maj Wolf... they are a wonderful team!

Love in Christ
Greg & Heather

1 comment:

The Santimaw's said...

We hope and pray for Jaden to feel better soon. Praying for God's grace and mercy to fill your day. All our love to you guys.

Joe, Lori, Christian, Aaron, and Nathan